Youth Ministry
Youth Connection provides a welcoming, inclusive, and fun environment for teens. We offer a variety of activities for youth including, but not limited to, our outreach events, missions, and our regularly scheduled Small Group and Youth Group programs and activities. We have a very active Youth program at Connection! For more information about everything that’s going on, please contact Bonnie Ceban (Dir. of Youth and Family Life) or Kyle Smith (Assistant Dir. of Youth and Family Life).
Sunday Morning Small Group
> Jr High meets weekly in Room 3
> Sr High meets 2nd / 4th Sundays in Room 2
> Sr High students are encouraged to worship in the sanctuary at the 10:30am service and serve in Sunday morning ministries on the weeks they do not meet for small group.
Sundays, March 16-April 6
6:30 - 8pm (doors open at 6pm for open gym)
This 4-week series will help students explore the evidence behind their faith (known as apologetics) and support them in recognizing God’s work in their own lives so that they can confidently proclaim the good work that God has done. Series will include a culminating video project that will later be shared as part of a Youth Sunday recognition. Register today!

Sunday April 27 from 11:30am-1pm
Plenty of food and fun make this a great way for students to get involved! No registration required.
Sunday April 13 from Noon-2pm
Come out for bowling and fun at Mid-County Lanes in Middletown! Register today.